選擇其他類別 品牌故事 門市資訊 門市Menu 聯絡我們 點心/飲品 供應時間 全天候 固德威經典提拉米蘇 Tiramisu cake $100 Balsamico陳年醋冰淇淋 Ice cream with Balsamico $100 鮭魚乳酪 + 法瓦脆餅 Salmon cheese with crackers $160 白黴乳酪 + 法瓦脆餅 White-mold cheese with crackers $160 貝爾佩斯乳酪 + 法瓦脆餅 Bel Paese cheese with crackers $160 點心乳酪 + 法瓦脆餅 Tartare Cheese with crackers $160 天使之翼 + 法瓦脆餅 Caprice cheese with crackers $160 肝醬 + 橄欖 + 法瓦脆餅 Pate’, Olives and crackers $160 無花果+布利+法瓦脆餅 Figs, Brie cheese with crackers $160 松露橄欖油+麵包棒+起司麵包 Cheese bread and bread stick w/truffle olive oil $250 伯爵香頌(熱) Earl Grey (Hot) 單點$180/套餐$140 玫瑰香頌(熱) Rose Tisane (Hot) 單點$180/套餐$140 茉莉香頌(熱) Jasmine Tisane (Hot)單點$180/套餐$140 洋甘菊香頌(熱) Chamomile Tisane (Hot) 單點$180/套餐$140 蘋果口味乳酪冰沙 Apple ice cream with cheese 單點$200/套餐$160 奇異果口味乳酪冰沙 Kiwi ice cream with cheese 單點$200/套餐$160 百香果口味乳酪冰沙 Passion fruit ice cream with cheese 單點$200/套餐$160 寒天氣泡果露(冰‧限量供應) Sparking water w/fruit syrup and agar (Iced) 單點$200/套餐$160 寒天優格果露(冰‧限量供應)Yogurt fruit syrup with agar (Iced)單點$200/套餐$160 寒天卵磷脂健康茶─蜂蜜檸檬(冰‧限量供應) Agar with honey, lemon & lecithin (Iced)單點$200/套餐$160 寒天百香果(冰‧限量供應)Passion fruit with agar (Iced) 單點$200/套餐$160 全台複合門市 台北-遠企旗艦館 台北-誠品信義主題館 桃園-特力樂活館 台中-金典綠園道典藏館